Every Sunday, I will add the comics that I color that week onto the end of this post until they are all here. Look for the Troll midway down this post to mark the beginning of newly colored comics every week :)
#1 When I Grow Up, I Want to be a Vet!
#2 I Will Draw You Some Pictures...
#3 When I am a Vet, I will Live in the Mountains...
#4 I Would Like to Apply for a Job!
#5 I Would Like to Apply for a Job...
#6 Blogathon 2011 - Zombie Giraffe
#7 I Would Like...to Apply...for a Job...
#8 Dr. Ethics
#9 Nice to Meet You, Other Doctor!
#10 Shadowing Doctor Ethics, Case #1 - Guest Colorer! Emily T. Ramey
#11 Shadowing Doctor Ethics, Case #2
#12 Shadowing Doctor Ethics, Case #3
#13 You Are New! - Guest Colorer! Emily T. Ramey
#14 Vet ER! What's Your Emergency?
#15 Vet ER! Call Number #2
#16 You are the Best ER Doc Ever!
#17 Yay Me! I am Trusted.
#18 Dear Rumpy Dog
#19 I am the Veterinarian & Receptionist & Tech!
#20 Sometimes Clients Visit Doctor Ethics at Night#21 I Treated a Dog for a Sore Back!
#22 I Quit!
#23 You are a Demon from Hell
#24 My Aunt Sent Me a Picture!
#25 I Miss My Mom
#26 Goodbye Mountains!
#27 I am Going to Work for my Best Friend!
#28 The Perfect Job!
#29 Mostly I Just Listen
#30 Doctor Asshat
#31 Your Cat is Healthy, Mrs. Mom
#32 Secret Friends
#33 You're Fired!
#34 Doctor Man
#35 Hamster Babies
#36 Hamster Babies!!!
#37 Hammie Hamster Tuck
#38 I Love Hammie
#39 Ailurophobia
#43 Nonsense!
#44 They Did Not Want to Listen
#45 I Had a Cold
#46 You Will be All Alone
#47 Oh Hell No.

#49 I Have a New Phone Number
#50 The Troll and the Porcupine
#51 Quilled!
#52 The Troll Hurt My Feelings
#53 Up at Night
#54 Goodbye Porcupine!
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